1. Work sheet matching useful phrases to talk about work experience - good as a starter or homework. Uses the imperfect tense a lot.
2. Translate the bubbles into English (they state what sort of work you would like to do) and then write a sentence to state what job you want to be. The first one has been done for you, as an example.
Kleidungen - Clothes - simple crossword testing 12 items of clothing in German - doesn't include definite or indefinite article.
Was trägst du in der Schule? - harder crossword demanding the correct definite article and including first and third person of the key verb 'tragen' and the German for 'is' - enable and lead to description of clothes. 19 words/phrases in total to translate.
Ma Journée - Quelle heure est-il?
Work out the times in French and fill in the crossword puzzle in French - use a pencil!!! Challenging. Answer sheet attached.
Times match - in French - good starter activity
Based on logo 2 - 10 past tenses in German to translate and fill in the crossword.
Good as a starter / revision / grammar consolidation. Not all 1st person - a variety
1. A presentation with a vocabulary task at the start - French words to describe a person's characteristics / personality to be matched with the English
Answers follow
Then a bullet point exercise which needs to be expanded into a properly written piece, including the necessary verbs.
2. A second presentation that reinforces the verb 'to be' and looks and further adjectives for personality. Anagram exercise at the the end.
A crossword with a twist - 8 animals to find in French and fill in the crossword - but first they have to solve the anagram of those animals - makes it more challenging.
Suitable for Year 7 or as a quick starter
2 resources:
1. presents the phrases in French for the different household jobs.
2. Put the English translation for the job and exercise 2 - unscramble the jobs in the house.
A presentation on clothes vocabulary and then how to add colour and agree according to gender and plural
2 puzzles - one crossword and one word search to reinforce the vocabulary further
A presentation on the Paris monuments that uses the near future tense to say what you are going to visit/see
An ICT worksheet - enough for a whole lesson - researching monuments and also making a puzzle
2 word searches - containing the famous Paris monuments